The breeding tract of Nagori breed is Bikaner, Jodhpur and Nagaur district of Rajasthan. The breed takes its name from the name of the home tract i.e., Nagaur district but animals are also found in adjoining Jodhpur district and Nokha tehsil of Bikaner district. They are White in colour and are upstanding, very alert and agile animals with long and narrow face like that of a horse. Considering the proximity of the native tracts of the Hariana breed of cattle in the north and northeast and Kankrej breed of cattle in the south and southwest, it seems reasonable to suppose that Nagori cattle may have evolved from these breeds. Nagori cattle are fine, big, upstanding, active and docile, with white and grey colour. They have long, deep and powerful frames, with straight backs and well-developed quarters. The face is long and narrow but the forehead is flat and not so prominent. The eyelids are rather heavy and overhanging and the eyes are small, clear and bright. The ears are large and pendulous. The horns are moderate in size, emerge from the outer angles of the poll in an outward direction, and are carried upwards with a gentle curve to turn in at the points. The Nagori breed is one of the most famous trotting draught breed of India and are generally appreciated for fast draught activity. They are famous as trotters and are used all over Rajputana of Rajasthan in light iron-wheeled carts for quick transportation. Average milk yield per lactation of Nagori cattle is 603 kg with an average milk fat of 5.8%. The lactation yield ranges from 479 to 905 kg.
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Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS) - developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.