- Acidosis may be clinical or sub- clinical.
- Feeding large quantities of rapidly digestible carbohydrate in a short period of time causes clinical acidosis.
- In severe clinical cases, animals may be recumbent within 24-48 hours, which may resemble cases of milk fever. Animal may not urinate or pass dung.
- Sub-clinical acidosis is seen as a result of feeding increased concentrates compared to forage.
- In sub-clinical acidosis there is reduced feed intake, weight loss, unexplained diarrhoea and exhaustion. This may also lead to laminitis and lameness.
- In severe clinical cases, prognosis may not be good. Some animals though appear to improve, may become seriously ill 3-4 days later.
- Proper feeding practices should be adopted after consulting a veterinarian.
- Animal should be provided a roughage diet in the mornings before feeding concentrates so that adequate quantities of saliva is produced.
- Never provide the animal with large quantities of rapidly digestible carbohydrates.
- A veterinarian must be consulted immediately in case of clinical acidosis.