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National Dairy Development Board


A Statistical Profile




: Artificial Insemination is the process of deliberate introduction of sperm into the

female reproductive tract for impregnation.


: large ruminants like cattle, buffaloes, yak and mithun.


: female animals that have attained the age of puberty.

Breeding Tract

: area where breeds/group of animals are found.

Calving Interval

: period between two calvings.


: technique by which males are made sterile for use in draught operations.


: animal produced by hybridization of two different breeds.


: dry biomass available from feed and fodder.

Dry Animal

: adult animals calved at least once but not in-milk at present.

Food Grains

: cereals and pulses.


: basic measure of a State’s overall economic performance. It represents the market

value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a State in a year.

Indigenous Animals

: animals native to a particular area.

In-milk Animals

: animals which are lactating.

Irrigation Intensity

: (Gross irrigated area/Net irrigated area) * 100.

Lactation Length

: number of days the animal secretes milk.

Lactation Yield

: total milk production over period of 300/305 days.

Literacy Rate

: percentage of literates in the age group above six years.


: domesticated mammals.

Male to Female Ratio

: number of males to females.

Milch Animals

: sum of in-milk and dry animals.

Milk Utilisation Pattern

: quantities of milk retained for home consumption in liquid form, retained for product

conversion and milk sold by the milk producers.

Marginal Holdings

: farmers possessing less than one hectare of operational holding.

Small Holdings

: greater than one hectare and less than two hectare of operational holding.

Semi Medium

: greater than two and less than four hectare of operational holding.

Medium Holdings

: are more than four and less than ten hectare of operational holding.

Large Holdings

: are those larger than ten hectare of operational holding.

Population Density

: number of human beings/animals per square km of geographical area.


: all categories of chicken, guinea fowls, turkey, ducks and quails.

Sex Ratio

: number of females to 1,000 males in a population.

Small Ruminants

: sum of sheep and goats.


: per cent of urban population to total population.

Wet to Dry Ratio

: number of in-milk to dry animals.