Executive Director’s Message
In today’s ever changing world, the most important asset for an organisation is its
competent, trained and committed human resource. The skills and knowledge need
to be upgraded periodically to keep pace with changing technology and innovations.
Most benevolent practices for health and safety of consumers have to be adopted
to ensure higher standards of quality assurance. Keeping these objectives in mind,
NDDB has designed relevant training courses to augment the capabilities of the dairy
The Mansinh Institute of Training, Mehsana has been renovated by NDDB to make the
learning experience more comfortable. New teaching techniques besides classroom
studies and exposure visits to understand Good Manufacturing Practices have
been incorporated. I hope this would go a long way in building cutting-edge skills,
improving competencies and strengthening core values in service of milk producers
by the producers’ organisations.
You are invited to depute more and more number of participants to various
programmes included in this Training Planner 2016-17.
Sangram Chaudhary
Executive Director
National Dairy Development Board