- An important disease of cattle and buffalo caused by protozoa.
- Transmitted mechanically by biting flies.
- Cattle and buffalo also are reservoir hosts to horses and camels.
- Blood from infected animal, occasionally meat and milk are the sources of infection.
- There is severe loss of productivity due to anaemia. Animals under stress are more susceptible to the disease.
- Progressive anaemia, weight loss and weakness.
- Abortions, infertility and stillbirth may occur in buffaloes.
- Cattle may have a chronic course with high mortality and may last up to 2 years.
- Death may occur in 2 weeks to 2 months.
- Oedematous swellings of the lower parts of the body (legs, briskets and abdomen) may be seen.
- Lymph nodes also may be swollen.
- Nervous signs like head tilt, circling, blindness, hyper-excitability, paddling movements may also be seen.
- Control fly population (see chapter on fly control).
- Sufficient ventilation and sunlight should be available in the shed.
- Insecticide applications may be done in the shed and surrounding areas under advice of a veterinarian.
- Call the veterinarian immediately on seeing the symptoms for treatment.
- Timely and early treatment ensures a high cure rate.
Control biting flies – control Surra