Blue panic (Panicum antidotale)
Local name: Blue panic, Hindi: Ghamari
Blue panic is a grass which can be grown on any type of soil and under various climatic conditions. The yield of the grass depends on the soil conditions but it is ideally suited to well drain light soils. It is a maintenance quality fodder, containing 8-10% protein at the flowering stage. Apart from being a maintenance ration, it is an excellent for soil conservation. Under irrigated conditions, 5-6 cuttings are available and the total yield of the fodder is about 40-50 MT per hectare.
Nutritive value
As a pasture grass, blue panic shows remarkable regrowth after cutting of the crop. It is the earliest pasture to get ready in the spring season and is well relished by the cattle when young. It contains 10.0-12.0% crude protein and 32.0-34.0% crude fibre. Calcium and phosphorus content is 0.39 and 0.09%, respectively.