Dhaincha seeds (Sesbania bispinosa) Synonyms: Sesbania aculeata, Aeschynomene aculeata Common name: Prickly Sesban
Local names: Hindi: Dhaincha, Lkad, Dadon, Daden Kannada: Dhaincha, Mullujeenangi Malayalam: Kedangu Marathi: Bhuiavali, Chinchani, Kansevari, Ran-Shevri Tamil: Mutcempai, Uravi
Dhaincha is an erect, somewhat woody, low annual subshrub, growing up to 7 m tall. Usually it is seen only 2 m tall and found especially in dry regions.
Nutritive value
This leguminous seed is excellent in protein quality. It contains 32.7% CP. It is a good source of lysine and methionine.
Deleterious factor
The seed cannot be used as such, as it contains deleterious factor like gum, trypsin inhibitor and tannin.
Enzymatic treatment as in case of guar meal can improve feeding value of this material. Even deleterious factor can be removed by microbial fermentation. Fermentation by fungi can decrease the gum content and trypsin inhibitory activity appreciably and increase the crude protein content of the seed (Banerjee, 2000).
Studies with dhaincha seed in cattle are limited. However, autoclaved dhaincha seed may be used in cattle in limited quantities.