
Maize (Zea mays)

Local names: Hindi:  Makka  Tamil:  Makka  cholam  Telugu: Mokka  Jonnalu  Kannada: Makkjola

Maize is one of the most important  kharif crop of Asian countries, including India. Maize is also one of the best cereal fodder crop grown during summer, rainy and/or early winter  season. It requires warm and temperate climate and grows well on alluvial soils. The crop grows well in slightly acidic to neutral soils (pH 5.5-7.5). Sowing  is  done  from   the  middle  of  March  to middle  of  September  for  fodder  and  in  July  for grains in the plains and May to  June in the hills. The fodder  is  ready between  60-70 days but  for grain  production  it  takes about  90-110 days. The yield of fodder is between 350-450 quintals/ hectare. It is a maintenance type of fodder containing 8-10% of protein like Sirsa 20, M. P. chari and S. almum but the yield of maize is generally lower than the improved  varieties of sorghums. It can, however, be used as a dual purpose crop like cowpea. When the cobs in milk stage are removed the residual plant  constitutes a maintenance ration.  When the  crop  is  allowed  to  mature,  the  stalk becomes very hard and is not even comparable with straw.

Nutritive value

Maize produces rich and nutritious green fodder which is a good source of carbohydrates. The green fodder is particularly suitable for silage making. It contains 8-10% protein and 60.0% total digestible nutrients. Maize grains contain trypsin inhibitor. The important varieties are African tall, JS-1006 and Vijaya composite.