Also known as “Ellichpuri” and “Dudhana Thadi”. The breeding tract includes Parbhani, Nanded, Beed, Jalna and Latur districts of Maharashtra. The breed is maintained for milk as well as draught/transport purposes. The animals are greyish black to jet black in colour and white markings are sometimes present on forehead and lower parts of the limbs. Horns are medium in length (average – 43 cms) and parallel to the neck, reaching up to shoulder but never beyond shoulder blade.
Distinguishing feature from Pandharpuri breed is the length of the horns, which reach only up to shoulder, unlike in Pandharpuri breed wherein they may even reach up to pin bones sometimes. The animals are reared in semi-intensive management system in mixed herd comprising cattle and buffaloes. They are usually fed sorghum, paddy straw, sugarcane leaves/tops and grasses. Milking animals are offered concentrate. Average lactation milk yield is 1118 kg and average milk fat is 8.8% ranging from 6.25-10.50%. For further details, please follow below given links:
Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS)- developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.