Rice (Oryza sativa)
Local names: Hindi: Chaval Tamil: Arisi Telugu: Biyyam
Rice is a major foodgrain for millions of people in the tropics especially Asia. It is good source of energy but is seldom used for livestock feeding in Asia. About more than 40,000 types of rice varieties are grown in the world. Its by-products like rice polish and rice bran are extensively used for livestock feeding in India.
Nutritive value
Unprocessed rough rice contains about 8-10% crude protein, 9% crude fibre, 1.9% ether extract and 6.5% ash. The TDN content varies from 78-82%. The unprocessed rice contains about 25% of its weight as hulls. Rice should be ground or cracked before feeding to animals. Rice hulls are high in silica and are abrasive to both feed mill equipment and digestive tract. The hulls are almost totally indigestible and are not recommended for livestock feeding.