Siri is a small sized draught purpose breed of hilly region of West Bengal and Sikkim. The breed is also known as “Trahbum”. The breeding tract of the breed includes Darjeeling district of West Bengal and Sikkim north, Gyalshing, Namchi, Gangtok, Sikkim east, Sikkim south and Sikkim west of Sikkim. The breed is either black or brown with white patches, though totally black or brown animals are also available. The hump is cervico-thoracic type with tuft of hair on it. Horns are medium sized and curved outward, forward and slightly upward with sharp and pointed tips. The animals can graze in the steep slope of hilly forest. Animals are housed in slope of hills in open houses. The males are mainly reared for draught purpose in the hilly area and sometimes they are the only source of draught power. The breed produces very less amount of milk averaging around 425.8 kg per lactation with fat percentage varying from 2.8 to 5.5%.
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Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS)- developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.