Vechur is one of the dwarf cattle breeds of India, with an average length of 124 cm and height of 87 cm, it is considered to the smallest cattle breed in the world. It is known by the name of a place Vechur - a small place by the side of Vembanad lake near Vaikam in Kottayam district of South Kerala. The breeding tract includes Alapuzzha/ Alleppey, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta and Kasargode districts of Kerala. The animals are light red, black or fawn and white in colour. In bulls, colour in between fore and hindquarters is relatively dark or dark grey. Horns are small, thin curving forward and downward. In some cases, they are extremely small and are hardly visible. The animals are well adapted to the hot and humid climate of the area. The animals are maintained for manure and milk. Milk production is relatively higher than any other dwarf cattle. Average milk yield is 561 Kg per lactation and the milk fat percent ranges from 4.7 to 5.8.
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Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS)- developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.