Methodology for Accreditation of Artificial Insemination (AI) Training Institutes

Methodology for Accreditation of Artificial Insemination (AI) Training Institutes

( Animal Breeding Group, NDDB)

One of the major challenges, which India faces at present, is low productivity of Cattle and buffaloes. Major reasons attributed are insufficient coverage of animals under Artificial Insemination (AI), low conception rates, non-availability of quality bulls for breeding, poor management practices, high mortality & morbidity losses due to diseases etc.

National Livestock Policy 2013, lays a special emphasis on improving productivity of livestock through enhanced AI coverage, improving availability of high genetic merit disease free bulls for breeding and creating an enabling environment for improving infrastructure for supporting livestock production. It also envisages that AI technicians and paravets are trained at accredited training institutes following uniform training module in order that they acquire adequate skills for delivery of breeding inputs, extension and other services at the farmers’ doorstep.

In pursuance of this, Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries (DADF), GoI, has constituted Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) for evaluation and accreditation of AI training institutes. This document namely “Methodology for Evaluation of AI Training Institutes” has been finalized in consultation with experts form ICAR, State Animal Husbandry Departments, Livestock Development Boards and NDDB.

This document is available in the following link