Deoni is a draught type animal believed to be developed from a strain descended from the mixture of Gir, Dangi and local cattle. The breed developed its name from the place of origin i.e. Deoni taluk of Latur district in Maharashtra. The breed is also known as “Surti”, “Dongarpati”, “Dongri”, “Wannera”, “Waghyd”, “Balankya” and “Shevera”. The breeding tract lies in the Balaghat range of Sahyadri hills extending from Kannad taluk of Aurangabad to Deglur taluk of Marathwada region of Maharashtra state.The actual place of origin is Deoni, Udgir and Ahmadpur taluks of Latur district. Body colour is usually spotted black and white. This breed has three strains viz. Balankya (complete white), Wannera (complete white with partial black face) and Waghyd or Shevera (black and white spotted). Small sized horns emerge from the side of the poll behind and above the eyes in outward and upward direction. The tips of the horn are blunt. The breed is characterized by drooping ears and prominent & slightly bulging forehead. Deoni bullocks are preferred for heavy works and bullocks can effectively be used even up to 12 years of age. Animals are maintained on semi-intensive management system and on grazing. The average milk yield per lactation of Deoni is 868 kg (ranging between 638 to 1229 kg) with an average milk fat is 4.3 (ranges from 2.5 to 5.3 %).
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Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS)- developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.