From: sindu sarkar []
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 3:21 PM
To: Dairy Knowledge
I want to start a small cattle fram with four jarcy cow in my village (sindu ,Udaipur Rajasthan 313204) .I want some start up help .
I want some loan in minority schemes .
Please help me for start up.
Thank you .reply please.
Dear Shri Sindu Sarkar,
This is in reference to your query on setting up of dairy farm by availing subsidy from Government. To set up a dairy farm, you may avail grant assistance under the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) of Government of India. The scheme is being implemented by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Under the scheme, you may receive back ended capital subsidy @ 25% of the project cost for general category and @ 33.33 % for SC/ST farmers.
To avail financial assistance under the scheme, Financial Institutions eligible for re-financing from NABARD under the scheme such as Commercial Banks, Regional, Rural and Urban Banks, State Cooperative Banks, State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks may be contacted.
Administrative Approval and Guidelines of the scheme for the Financial Year 2017-18 is attached herewith for your reference. (
administrative_approval_guidelines_282017-1829_deds_scheme_24_july_2017.pdf )
For further details you may contact the nearest NABARD office which will provide necessary guidance in this regard.
It is advised that for any dairying related activities, you may also contact the nearest District Milk Union (Udaipur Milk Union) for necessary help.
Deputy Manager (FPS)