The theme of information in this issue is Milk and Health.This is taken from the series TEchNews published by NDDB. the detailed article is attached here.  technews_70.pdf


Milk has a great effects on

Milk has a great effects on our health. It is used for a good and pleasant sleep. Apart from, it has great amount of calcium and iron which is most necessary for health. Plants/Herbs should also be used in our food as our ancestors used it. They also cure diseases by it like mardana kamzori On the other hand, the account of the spice-herbs is very sparse from home: celery, caraway , spoon-herb, peppermint, wormwood, watercress, sorrel and pimpinell have always been found here in the north. Perhaps you would like to set up an apothecary garden, which can be arranged according to themes: "Cold herbs" such as thyme, sage, coltsfoot, Spitzwegerich, Mallow, violet and king candle can be found next to "nerve - soothing herbs" like lemon balm, lavender, St. John 's wort, valerian and Hops and "stomach herbs" such as vermouth, peppermint, marjoram, hyssop and chamomile.