Bargur is a draught cattle breed found around Bargur hills in Bhavani taluk of Erode district of Tamil Nadu. Maintained to carry out agricultural operations in hilly terrain, this breed is also well known for its trotting ability. Is brown in colour with white markings over the body. Horns are light brown in colour and emerge closer at the root and are inclined backward, outward and upward with a forward curve, which is sharp at the tip.
The animals are maintained in extensive management system and animals are reared in forest area in semi-wild conditions and housed in enclosures called “Pattys” in groups of 50 to 200 heads by hired local tribal labourers called “Lingaiys”. The average milk yield per lactation is reported as 350 kg and ranges from 250-1300 kg.
For further details, please visit the below given link:
Photo courtesy : Dr. P. Ganapathi, Bargur Cattle Research Station (TANUVAS).
Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS)- developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.