- Occurs in lactating animals usually during the first 2 months of lactation.
- Initially there is slight decrease in feed intake, drop in milk production, lethargy and firm mucous covered dung.
- As disease progresses, there is marked weight loss, pica (animal seeks course materials), humped-back posture. Some even show frenzy and aggression.
- Compulsive licking of mangers, bodies, head and nose pressing, chewing bellowing may occur.
- Walking may be abnormal with staggering, circling and falling.
- If untreated, milk production decreases to an insignificant amount.
- Once a cow develops the condition, it is likely to recur in succeeding lactations.
- Proper feeding during late lactation and dry period.
- Body score at calving should be 3.5 on a 5 point scale.(see chapter on signs of health)
- Sudden change of feed /overfeeding should be avoided.
- Conditions like ROP, metritis, mastitis, environmental stress etc should be managed properly.
- Contact a veterinarian when above symptoms are seen.
Timely treatment will save your animal