Corn steep liquor
Corn steep liquor is a by-product of corn starch manufacturing industry. It is available to the extent of 0.01 million tone in India.
Nutritive value
It contains 40% CP and 75% TDN. Thus, it is an excellent source of energy, protein and phosphorus.
The moisture content is about 50%. Because of high moisture content, it requires special care for its storage. However, by mixing wheat bran, rice bran or rice polish at 40% level, it can be stored and transported easily in gunny bags. Due to its low pH (4-5) it cannot be used more than recommended levels. Due to its high phosphorus content, care should be taken to maintain proper Ca: P ratio by supplementing calcium. It can be incorporated up to 15% and 10% level in the ration of growing calves and lactating cows (Talpada et al., 2002).