Quality control in feed production is of utmost importance in the overall success and profitability of dairy enterprise. There is no other factor, directly or indirectly related to the proper nutrition and high performance of animals that is more critical than feed quality control and ration consistency. The degree of quality is the consistency, in which feed is formulated, processed (Fig. 3.1), mixed and delivered as compared to what is expected. Animals respond better if the feed is
Fig. 3.1 Controlling a plant operation
low in nutrient variation as offered to them; and is similar in moisture content, texture and rate of energy availability. The relationship between feed quality and animal performance is important and encompasses not only the quantitative amounts of all feed components, but also the digestibility and metabolism of those components. Thus, the challenge for nutritionists and others involved in animal feed production is to consistently monitor all aspects of the feed production system being used and measure those variables that are good indicators of quality control. For the feed industry, a quality control system is the responsibility of management and involves personnel being properly trained to ensure a high level of organization, documentation, and the policing of various procedures and processes necessary to guarantee the basic quality of feedstuffs and feeds.